Would You Rather?

Day 9 of my recovery from that frightening head-on collision last Thursday, and I've been thinking about the game Would You Rather? a lot this week. 

Would you rather eat chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
Would you rather go to the beach or a museum?
Would you rather power walk or run?
Would you rather have a root canal or whiplash?

It's a funny question, that last one, because until this whiplash that I'm fighting through with every ounce of my being, I thought that that root canal I had in August was pretty painful. I didn't want to have that procedure in the first place, but I also didn't like the sound of the word abscessed either, so I went. I knew I was in trouble when I heard the words Uh-oh from the chair. And was it a coincidence or some sort of sign when the song 
What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger 
played through the speakers overhead? I guess it's all about perspective. If only people wouldn't say things like I'd rather have a root canal, the root canal may not have been so bad. Or maybe I'm just a wimp. That might be it. I'd had several follow-up visits after the root canal and the dentist finally told me to please not come back unless it still hurts at Christmas. Really? Give it four months? Now I understand why people use the root canal as a benchmark for pain!

Would you rather have a puppy or a kitty?
Would you rather stay home or travel during spring break?
Would you rather listen to jazz or rock?
Would you rather use crutches or a wheel chair?

And guess what? It was still hurting a little bit at Christmas so I was going to inquire about it when I took Joshua in last Thursday, that appointment I never made it to because I was rerouted by the crash. Sometimes life takes you on a big detour ... recalculating ...  And since then, I've hardly felt that tooth. At all. Isn't that weird? My focus has shifted and the pain elsewhere is so. much. worse. It's funny how quickly one's perspective can change.

Would you rather watch a mystery or a comedy?
Would you rather read or write?
Would you rather eat at home or at a restaurant?
Would you rather get an e-card or a homemade one?

I'm going with homemade on that last question. This card that Eva made for me is just one of probably five hundred that I've received and enJOYed immensely this week. Her inscription? 
Kindness doesn't grow on trees and 
that's why you are here to help us learn.
What a great job description, a kindness teacher. One little friend asked when I was coming back so she could come to peace class again. Don't you love that? Another student told me not to worry because he was going to ask his mom to get me a new car. Still another asked me to please, please come back soon because my puppets missed me, and so does everybody at Westwood.

As you can imagine, I'd rather be at school than at home, but for now I'm resting so that my bruised body and broken bones can heal. The doctor says I might be released to go back with restrictions at the end of the month. Until then, thanks for your words of encouragement, kind affirmations, prayers and love, all of which are helping me beyond measure.

Relatively speaking, that root canal wasn't all that bad .....


  1. Still praying for you all of the time and the kids (and staff) are missing you at WWB!

  2. Sending, healing chocolatey thoughts your way, Barbara!

  3. Oh Barbara, I am so sorry about the crash, your pain, and my absence in sending you a warm, but gentle (((HUG)))! I am so relieved that you are okay, and getting better everyday! As apparent by the cards, words and help you have received you are a well LOVED lady, mother, teacher and friend. Sending you healing thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

  4. Glad to hear from you. Take it slow. As hard as it is to be at home, get plenty of rest before going back to school. Keep healing!

  5. Barbara, I'm so glad you're home and resting right now yet blessed with love from those who miss you.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  6. You're sure going through a tough time. Thinking about you and hoping for a quick recovery!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  7. Barbara:
    I would rather... you be out of pain and back at school with the kids (and the puppets).
    If I can't have that, I would rather... you have less pain, more cheesecake and the knowledge that you are SO loved...

    My heart is with yours, Friend.

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  8. Beautiful post! I can picture you now and it makes it that much more meaningful.

  9. You know, maybe whiplash is the cure for root canal pain? I am so glad to get an update on your condition. Such a serious accident, rest and take care of yourself! Your blog is wonderful and the children's quotes as usual are priceless. You know I recently took some children-like puppets to a class for a lesson and one of the students said, "Oh did you bling orphans today?" Makes the job worthwhile...


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