After everyone's had a chance to share, ask them to draw or write on the outside of the being about PeaceBreakers, the things that keep them from being at peace on the inside. Expect pictures of (or words about) bullies, weapons, drugs, mean things, rude behavior, symbols of sadness and negativity. Let students talk about these things and the strategies they use to deal with them. Then ask how it would be if they could just "cut it out!" Discuss what it takes to stay positively peaceful on the inside with all those negative influences on the outside. With their scissors, students then cut away the bad stuff and discard it, just keeping the positivity on the inside.
Post these PeaceMakers in a prominent place around the classroom or have students tape them inside their pencil boxes for a visual reminder of things that bring them inner peace. For a fun twist, make life-sized PeaceMakers by tracing around a few student volunteers and complete the activity in small groups.
I LOVE this idea!!! Thanks for sharing :)