Experiencing Empathy

Happy November!  To launch this month of thanks and giving, I've given my blog a new look and I'm giving thanks that there are kids who care like these two young ladies who have recently crossed my path.
     One of the ways to grow empathy in children is to nurture it by helping them experience it.  I've had the pleasure of meeting a teenager and an elementary school student who are doing exactly what Parenting Expert Michele Borba says to do in this blog about Experiencing Empathy. They've put themselves in another's shoes by researching, adopting, and championing a cause to solve a problem - thirst in Africa. 
     The first of these girls is a senior at Friendswood High School and is serving as a PAL on our campus this year. Here's what Missy told me about her cause: I am raising money to build a single well with Living Waters International. With regards to fundraising for my well, my goal is to raise $10,000 by the end of the school year.
     The second is Ella, a second grader in Austin, whom I learned about online last spring when she asked for money for Africa instead of birthday gifts for her 7th birthday. Here's an update from her mom: Ella has launched a new group campaign for kids called 100 for Water and is trying to recruit 99 other motivated little people to each raise $100. The money raised will help fund a drilling rig that will build 80 wells a year, bringing water to 40,000. Visit My Charity: Water to learn more about Ella's campaign to make life better in Africa, one drop at a time.

     How will you help your kids experience empathy today?


  1. Hi Barbara:

    I hope the-day-after-Halloween wasn't too bad!

    Here's real empathy situation...

    If you get a chance, could you send some love on over to Shannon at http://6thgradescottforesmanreadingstreetresources.wordpress.com/

    She's having a tough time at the moment. I hope that we can band together to give her a boost.

    Thanks, BlogFriend!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade


    You're a dear!

    PS Do you know the song "I Want to Walk a Mile in Your Shoes"?
    We do this first as a shared reading and then I share the song. SO FUN! (And a catchy tune that is not easily forgotten!).
    It's by Vitamin D (or C? or K? I think D!) I'll check!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  3. heeheehee

    OOPS. It's Vitamin L!

    Love it!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade


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