Give Me A Cuddle

Jez Alborough's Cuddly Dudley was one of our favorite tuck-in time books when our two older kids were younger.  Do you know this story?  Dudley is SO huggable that he actually runs away to get a break from all of the cuddling. My favorite part? Give me a cuddle!

So today I'm excited to meet the author of this tale that tap-danced its way into our hearts so many years ago. Tune in to Let's Talk Character at 9:00 a.m. central time (that's 3:00 p.m. London time!) to hear my interview with Author Jez Alborough live or listen at your leisure on this little radio widget. 

NOTE:  Seems daylight savings time totally messed us up; we have rescheduled this episode for Thursday, April 12, at 8:00 a.m. central. 
Listen to internet radio with TeachingBlogAddict on Blog Talk Radio



  1. Cuddly looks just like Tacky! What a sweet book.
    Your radio widget doesnt show up on my iPad but I'll check later and see if it's there on my Mac.
    Have a great day.

    Grade ONEderful

  2. Lucky you for getting to meet Jez Alborough! Have fun!


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