No Perfect People, Please!

photo of No Perfect People Poetry bookIt's been about a month since this awesome poetry treasury came in the mail from its author, Diane Asitimbay.  (Thanks, Diane!) She'd stumbled on the Corner and thought it might fit with the kind of stuff I like, and she was spot on. No Perfect People, Please! is an eclectic collection of poems about some kooky, quirky characters with laughably strange - and VERY real - every day weaknesses   areas for growth flaws  behaviors

From Adam Amazola to Zippy Zelda Zimmerman, you'll likely meet your child's best friend and your best friend's child as you travel through the alphabet with every page turn. If you happen to be a teacher, you'll recognize these less-than-perfect prodigies because they're in your class.  Prepare to laugh. out. loud. 'cause you're bound to recognize someone you know, maybe even a younger version of yourself!  This hardcover, which comes with a CD that brings eleven of the poems to life through the author's voice, is sure to spark a passion for poetry in even the littlest of learners.  Do yourself a favor and check out this poetic gem today!

Oh, and it's International Blog Hopping Day and our friends at Teaching Blog Addict have some cool stuff planned, so click on the Yellow Brick Road graphic that Crystal from Kreative In Kinder created to be transported to Linky Land and grab your freebies and fun. There's no place like TBA, there's no place like TBA . . . 


  1. I can't wait to share this book with my co-workers. We work in a school full of perfectionists, it's perfect =)

  2. Ah, another great book I want to add to my list! I think this would be great for students and co-workers (and perhaps some family members too). Can't wait to check this one out.


  3. I'd never heard of before, but checked it out and now it's another on my favorites list! Thanks!
    -- Tanya (


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