A Pinch of Patience

So I'm thinking that we ought to be able to weave these adorable spoons that my friend Liz gave me into our back-to-school staff inservice somehow. Maybe give everyone a set?

photo of character-trait measuring spoons

Here's what's engraved on them:

A heap of love, 
a spoonful of laughter,
a dash of kindness, 
a pinch of patience.

Sounds like a recipe for success to me. I've also seen a slightly different version {here}. That set replaces the pinch of patience with a pinch of joy, though I might be tempted to double that measurement . . . 
the more JOY the better! 
What fun first-day-back plans might your administrators 
be cookin' up for you?


  1. How cute! Our administration is always trying to come up with creative things for us during pre-plan. Every year we have a "skit" competition among teams (grade levels, special area, administration, resource... everyone gets involved!) The skit has to somehow pertain to the new theme for the school year. Last year our theme was to "Expect Greatness." It's more of a fun activity to build the "school family" than actually relating to professional development :)

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

  2. I love those spoons! They're very sweet. Not usually much happens at our school, although we sometimes get welcome back mugs or Starbuck cards ... I think we got a book once :)

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  3. That's just adorable! I totally need those sayings being 8 months pregnant! I am going to be saying to myself... just a pinch of patience Jen is all you need! =)
    Simply Kinder, Simply Primary, & Simply Centers


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