Celebrating Character With Books That Teach

Happy Red Ribbon Character Week!  
I am SO jazzed about my character book giveaway at school this week that I can hardly stand it. Each day on our campus, faculty and staff can put in to win a hardcover copy of a book with a character theme - yay! Five lucky school family members will each add a tool to their arsenal from this reading round up:

Because Amelia Smiled by David Ezra Stein. It was the smile that was felt around the world . . . and this gem will teach your students about the power of one small act of kindness to change the world. You'll want on your shelves if it's not already there because it will also generate a discussion about stakeholders and connections!

No super hero theme would be complete without a super hero book, right? Enter Zero the Hero by Joan Holub. This book spotlights the life of a Zero, who feels like a nothing, until he gets his chance to add value to his friends and ends up saving the day. This one is perfect for character integration into a math lesson!

Mossy by Jan Brett will be a fun addition to the collection for a science teacher because it's got a nature-center theme woven in. Mossy the turtle is picked up and taken to a new home in a museum, but will she ever get to go back to where she belongs? There's something so magical about a Jan Brett book .....

My fourth choice is called The Cloud Spinner by Michael Catchpool. A boy with a gift spins clouds into thread, just like his mother taught him. But what'll happen when the King sees the boy's talent and demands stuff that he doesn't really need? Will the King ever understand that enough is enough?

Our last title to give away is the Laurie Friedman book called Thanksgiving Rules. I chose a seasonal book because it's got an underlying theme about togetherness and gratitude. In the end, Percy expresses his appreciation for the Thanksgiving Buffet with kid-friendly, appropriate affection. I can see this one as a writing prompt springboard!

I can't wait to see who will get to add these titles to their character collections!


  1. What a great way to share some great books!! I love the idea of the give-away and I might have to create something similar myself. I'm thinking...

  2. Wow! Wish I worked at your school. lol What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you for all the suggestions. I will definitely be checking them out.
    P.S. We are loving our Bucket Fillers book. Thank you again.

  3. I wish you could work at my school! Thank you for more great titles.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  4. Your school sounds like a ton of fun!
    I'm pinning the Thanksgiving book -- it looks intriguing:)

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  5. I have used Zero and One but did not know about Zero the Hero. Another great one I would love to have. Thanks for offering such a great giveway

  6. You've sure got some lucky teachers at your school! You are most awesome! And I think you picked some awesome books.


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