A Winner and An Inconvenience

First things first - we have a winner of Maria's new book The Potato Chip Champ. Congratulations to Julie from First Grade Critter Cafe. Thanks to all of you who played along. I hope that you'll all add this title to your collection to help your littlest learners learn that Kindness Counts!

Secondly, today I've got some sad news with a few silver linings. On my way to the Junior High the other day to meet with the counselors about our upcoming 8th-grade parent meetings and then pick Joshua up a bit early for a dentist appointment, I was hit head-on by an oncoming Nissan Xterra and whisked away in an ambulance to the hospital for x-rays and treatment. I came away with a fractured radius in my wrist, twelve stitches in my right knee, and an air soft cast on the right ankle because the x-ray was inconclusive due to swelling. Today it hurts with every move I make and every breath I take. The good news? I survived a head-on car crash and I'm here to talk about it. The driver who hit me, well, she was on her way to pick up her daughter from school so that potential problem was avoided. And since I was still on the clock at work, we may have some help coming through a workman's comp claim. 

Some second graders made me a card collage!
So much to be grateful for! Thanks goes to the first responders, the lady who called 9-1-1 for me, the three women on the scene who laid me down onto the street when they saw that I was losing consciousness, the EMT who rode along with me to the ER, and the compassionate and competent  staff at St. John's hospital. Ed, our shift-change nurse, was especially funny and helped put me at ease. I was home in time for tuck-in time and slept okay despite the bruising and burns from a high-impact collision. My family at home has been wonderful about helping out, I've had so many prayers and warm wishes sent my way, many school family friends came by to visit and bring get-well cards from the kids, and my friends have brought meals to get us through the weekend. We are abundantly blessed! Here is what our daughter posted on her FB status - so proud of her.

My mom was hit by a drunk driver head-on today at 3:30 this afternoon. Although she's really banged up with two broken bones and 12 stitches, she's alive. Our van was totaled. I can't even adequately express how happy and thankful I am that she is ok. God has really blessed our family. It still infuriates me that people continue to drink and drive. If you're drinking and need to get somewhere, pass your keys to someone else. Always plan ahead and be smart. Don't be the cause of another person's injury.

So this is a minor major inconvenience, for sure, no van to drive because it's probably totalled. We'll have get to go car shopping once I'm getting along pain-free. I've got a cane to help me walk. I know that this case could drag on for awhile, but for now I'm choosing to be grateful that it wasn't worse. I am alive and life is good. I may not be blogging for a bit, but feel free to check in periodically to see if I'm back in the swing of things. I am grateful for you.


  1. Oh My! I am so glad to hear that you are alright. I can't imagine how scary that must have been. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

  2. As bad as this was, it could have been worse. Thank God you are going to be ok. I am sure your family and friends will take good care of you. Rest up, don't rush things, and thinking of you. x<3

  3. Barbara, you are a trouper, to say the least! It is indeed a blessing that you came through this with only the injuries you have. To see you blogging about it so soon leaves me both speechless and grinning from ear to ear. I will pray for your comfort and for complete healing, but you have to do your part. So take it easy.....

  4. I have been praying for you and that sweet little daughter of the other driver. Rest up friend. I am so thankful to hear about everyone taking care of you. Love ya!

  5. Oh, my! Glad to hear that you are "okay." Hope that you are feeling better as the healing process begins. Take it easy.

  6. So very sorry to hear this and so relieved it did not turn out worse! Praying for strength as you recover. (((hugs)))

  7. Barbara, I'm so so sorry to hear about your accident. I'm very grateful that you are okay, although obviously bruised up. I pray that your body is able to recover quickly and that there are no long-lasting effects. Bless you, bless you.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  8. So sorry to hear this news, but so very happy to hear your are recovering and in good spirits. My thoughts are with you...

  9. Barbara,
    I am so grateful that you are okay! When we were emailing, I had no idea. Thank you again SO VERY MUCH for the book win! Maria has already contacted me! GET WELL wishes and many hugs coming your way!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  10. Oh Barbara! How awful and yet how grateful I am that you weren't injured more seriously. Your positive attitude will no doubt speed your recovery. In the meantime, know that prayers from Montana are coming your way. ♥

  11. Barbara,
    Prayers are coming your way from Iowa---take care, rest up and let others serve you for a change! One more silver lining--we all have witnessed how a person of character responds to a horrible event.

  12. OMG! I'm SO glad you're okay. Well, not totally okay, but you know what I mean. I hope you heal quickly. Please take the time to do so. You've got an amazing attitude, Barbara!!
    HUGS from BC.
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  13. Wow!! What a story of mixed blessings! Rest up and heal quickly. You have a world of folks praying for you! You've got real character!

  14. Oh my gosh! I am so sorry for what happened to you. Thank goodness you're in recovery mode already. Sending lots of prayers to your family as well!

  15. Barbara,
    So sorry to read of the accident - thanking God for His protection! Praying for your recovery and hoping that you feel at peace about staying at home for the length of time that your body needs to recover.
    Becky K.

  16. Oh my gosh! I'm so thankful that you are okay! Take care of yourself, because you need this time to rest and recover, both emotionally and physically.

    Know that I'm thinking of you and your family!

  17. Barbara,
    I am so sorry to hear about your accident, but am so thankful that you are here to share your story. Asking God to help you through this challenge. Plus thanking God for all the wonderful people that were there to assist you and will continue to help you in your recovery.
    Kathy from WI

  18. I am so very grateful that you are okay! I do believe the timing of everything, from your article, the accident, and the way God is using you now is more than a coincidence. His light continues to shine through you, even throughout this challenging time. I will be praying for a quick recovery for you. Hugs!

  19. I am so sorry to hear about the accident but so thankful that you are recovering and with so much support! You are such a blessing to others---it's your turn to be showered with love and care. Hope you are on the mend!

  20. All your friends at CEP are sending you virtual hugs and positive thoughts. We are so glad you are OK! --Lara


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