Planting Smart

Even though my brother makes a living selling outdoor advertising, I'm personally not a big fan of billboards. But I took a picture of this one because I like the way it shadows in the snow and is framed by the winter-blue sky. 
I also like its message because it's got teaching potential as a discussion starter or writing prompt to use with students, faculty and staff, maybe even parents!

Plant Smart. 
Yield More.

It made me wonder:
What does it mean to plant smart
And what do we want to yield more of? 
Reading ... Math ... Writing ... History ... Geography? 
Manners ... Social skills ... Empathy ... Respect?
Joy ... Cheerfulness ... Gratitude?

As we begin another year and resume our roles as teachers, mentors, coaches and guides at school and in the workplace, my question is this:  
What will we plant today to maximize our yield for tomorrow?


  1. Barbara, as always I love coming to your blog for some reflection time. This billboard speaks volumes in more ways than one. It's a beautiful picture, too. What will I yield in 2013? I will think of this post often to help guide me in the right direction. Thanks :)

  2. What a great quote for conversation! I believe that planting smart means living intentionally, setting goals and developing an action plan. The yield is greater when you do... not to mention you know what your yield Is going to be, rather than waiting to see what comes up.

  3. Living in farm country and being a farm family I never thought of planting and yielding in this way. Thanks Barbara for helping us think outside the box! Gives me a change for my lesson plans when we return next week.


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