A Tale-Wagging Reunification

Today I'm excited because I'm guest posting for my friends at Character Counts!; 
click {here} to read about the B2S books in our school's character case.

I also got my counseling brochure finished.
Click each page if you'd like to download a copy. I'll print it front and back.

Finally I'm still a bit perplexed by yesterday afternoon's events. I was awakened from a power nap by John's voice saying, "Gruene, we have a situation." 
Well, that can't be any good. So I snap out of my hour in la-la land to find that there's a little dog, an aging chihuahua, with one floppy ear, in our back yard.

John had already phoned the animal shelter, but they were closed and the Police Department, who said they wouldn't remove it unless it had bitten someone. 
Does this little fella look like he's interested in biting anyone?

Anyway, John knew that the dog's name was Diego and exactly where he lived, which was like thirty-five miles down the road. John even knew his phone number, thanks to the dog tag Diego was wearing. What he needed from me was to call the dog's family and ask them to come get him. 
So I made a phone call while they made friends. 

Diego's family arrived about an hour and a half later and that happy little pooch just licked and licked his owner's face. 
He'd been gone for a week and was overjoyed 
to be reunited with his lost family. 
Diego woofed down four weiners like a shark on a feeding frenzy. 
It was AdOrAbLe! 
As they were expressing their gratitude, they said, 
"We'd give you some money if we had some."
We're still puzzled by how Diego found his way into our back yard,  especially given the fact that it's totally fenced-off, but it was worth more to reunite him with his best friends than any possible monetary reward could ever be.

What's happened in your Corner so far this week? 

1 comment

  1. Diego knew exactly where to go to find his way home!! Good job Gruene family!


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