The Gift of Service

Today I'm thinking about being a mom, 
probably because my firstborn turned 21 yesterday. 
What a difference a few years makes.

I called my mom yesterday and caught her en route delivering
 some strawberry-rhubarb pie and doing some visiting.
One of her stops included our childhood family physician, Dr. Dettman.
He's 96 now, and living in a nursing home.
His memory isn't always clear anymore.
He uses a wheelchair to get around.
 And after all of these years, my mom still goes to visit him.
And take him a slice of her homemade pie.
She was giddy with delight at the thought of their time together.
A retired RN, my mom clearly has the gift of service.
And she doesn't keep it hidden away.
She shares it. Every day.

But you don't have to make pie to make someone's day.

Chelsea at Moments A Day recently posted
Visit Love Is The Word for
And Virtues For Life recently posted
100 Ways To Be Kinder.
Jennifer at the Good Long Road is showcasing service in
Awesome Acts of Kindness For Kids 
With a Side Of Gratitude.
Maria Dismondy posted a list of RAKS 
Random Acts Of Kindness here.

Oh, and Jolly Time popcorn is looking for people doing good things;
nominate them at Kernels of Kindness today.

So, in honor of the modeling my mom has done for me,
I'm going to spend the week intentionally looking for ways 
to serve others.
And sharing ways that you can, too.
We'll start by giving this little loaf of bread to 
Joshua's Algebra II teacher.
So Mrs. Morris, if you're reading, breakfast is coming!

Won't this be a fun way to finish out May?
Then, on June 1st, we'll be celebrating 
1000 posts at the Corner.
Let the countdown begin ... 
Five ...  

1 comment

  1. Boy! Kindness everywhere today!! Yay! 1000 posts! Yikes! That's a lot of joy and kindness being spread around! Thanks Ms Gruener! And Happy Birth day to you and your daughter!


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