Character Ed's Resource Round-Up

There's this friend named Ed, and he's a real character.
Today, in no particular order, some of Character Ed's 
super finds of the summer.

Misty over at Think, Wonder & Teach read my book, What's Under Your Cape?, (twice) and wrote a beautiful reflection. Just use her wonder-full button to go there and read what this newbie teacher has to say.
Misty, your sixth-grade SUPERHEROES are going to fly!

Jen over at PH Greene uses this six-pillar graphic as her email signature and it got me to thinking ... what if you posted this in a classroom to chart behavior ... in a catch 'em being kids with character sort of way. Click the graphic to see the chart my friend Dr. Fuller shared and then adapt away. 
Or use hers, 'cause it's super, too.

Lori over at Teaching With Love and Laughter posted an AmAzInG character education reflection pack yesterday.
Let her button transport you to her page for more details.
Lori, keep sprinkling sunshine all over cyberspace!

Frank Sonneberg Online has a fabulous 
Friends Forever Freebie {here}.

Jackie over at Third Grade's A Charm has a 
heart map freebie that'll grab your heart {here}.
We did these in small group feelings class this spring
and the students really enjoyed bringing these to life.

You'll want to check out Edutopia's Perseverance Walk video.

And if you need a game that'll help elevate empathy,
here are Ellen Holderman's Top 13 picks.

My, my, Character Ed certainly has been a busy beaver.
I hope that he'll stop by again as he scouts out more
engaging character education resources that'll
help your superheroes soar!


  1. Enjoyed the reviews of your book by educators on Amazon. And, I loved Misty's comments about you on her blog. You certainly are a teacher to other educators. I am thrilled for you. It feels like there is a character movement emerging in schools, and you are at the forefront. I think it is so important to teach kids at a young age as it will stay with them. Congratulations on your new book!

    1. Thank you, Pat. You are so sweet to leave your kind reflections for me at the Corner! I hope you're right about the character movement ... there's no time like the present, that's for sure!

  2. OMGosh! I got a shout-out in your blog - totally feeling awesome :)

    1. You deserve it, sweet friend! Thanks for coming by the book launch; I hope you've found a few little nuggets that you can use on your journey to SSOC and beyond!

  3. I really like Misty's badge - Think, wonder, and teach. Perfect. I would like to think that Ms Tilton is right about a character movement emerging. I would love to see it happening in Glen Rose. You are such a Wonder Woman!! Thanks for sharing all the goodies!

    1. Awwww, Rhythm ... I don't know about all of that ... but I do soar from kind affirmations like yours. Thank you for always stopping by with a cyber hug and a handshake! I'd be happy to come to Glen Rose any time!


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