R Is For Respect

Today I'm excited because I got to don my character cape yesterday. 
It happened when I asked the winner of the book at 
if I should personalize her copy or sign it generically to make it a 
pay-it-forward copy. She chose the latter and asked that it be signed To Teachers Everywhere so that when she's done reading, she can pass it along to move the message forward. And, since she happens to live in WI, the ripple will be starting in my home state ... can you see why I'm soaring?

Today the focus of our book study is something that made Aretha Franklin famous: R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

And our super leaders are Tiffani at Time 4 Kindergarten 

Just look at Amy's little caped crusader ... my heart swells!

Thank you, Tiffani and Amy.

Need a few ideas to help enrich the concept of respect?

Ask students to write a jingle based on Aretha's song. Challenge students to think about something they've noticed that could use more respect. Brainstorm these concerns and make a list. Then have students write a little ditty. 

Here's an example. You notice that your neighbors are leaving their empty garbage cans on the curb instead of bringing them in after the trash has been picked up. Illustrate a poster for your campaign and pair it with a jingle that goes something like this:

R-E-S-P-E-C-T; keep your street curb garbage-can free.

Stray cats or dogs in your neighborhood? Sound off for respect by posting a billboard-style sign that says:

R-E-S-P-E-C-T; please put animals on a leash.

Use this activity to reinforce poems and rhyming. Hang the campaign posters around the school ... or better yet, in the businesses of your community partners ... to remind your stakeholders to always show respect, not only to self and others, but also to property. .

My favorite book to teach respect?  Hey, Little Ant

My favorite respect for difference movie clip? 
This AdOrAbLe song from Stellaluna:

Sesame Street has a respect clip {here}.

Finally, we always chant or sing to seal the deal:

We are almost halfway through our SUPERHEROES acrostic.
Come back Thursday to read what Kim from Joy in 6th 
has to say about honesty.


  1. I love your activities and suggestions to go along with the trait! You are such a wealth of knowledge. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for the clips and ideas. I also like that in this chapter the golden rule is revisited in a new and fresh way. Thank You.


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