Today marks the final day of our spring break.
Wait, what? How did that happen?
Yesterday the Spring showers that bring May flowers threatened to come right on in through the back door ... check out Lake Gruener.
But it was worth it, to wake up to
these Texas beauties on my morning walk!
Don't you love how those raindrops are clinging on for dear life?
So I spent most of yesterday inside, reading and thinking.
After my jaunt to the grocery store, I did a little baking, too.
This old-fashioned strawberry shortcake was delicious:
I also spent a lot of time online, collaborating and learning.
When I made this bulletin board two years ago, never could I have imagined how Twitter would transform me and my teaching.
In fact, having a Twitter account wasn't even on my radar back then.
But here we are, in 2015, and I was able to virtually attend ASCD15 from my couch thanks to Twitter feed yesterday.
Twitter chats remind me of a place we used to pass on our way up north called the Dew Drop Inn. The chats are a gathering place {kind of like in the sitcom Cheers} where you can drop in to quench your thirst for learning, enjoy some food for thought, and satisfy your hunger for collaboration with other educators. A place to come hungry for innovative ideas and leave full of inspiration and intrigue. A place to connect.
And just like that clever name that has two meanings, Twitter has provided a platform where I'm challenged to reframe my thinking.
It's about perspective.
It's about point of view.
And it's about looking at things through another's lens.
Stretching. Growing. Learning to fail forward.
And my brain is firing dendrites like never before.
Twitter is a tool of transformation that has introduced me to some amazing educators from all over the world. I have expanded my Professional Learning Network (PLN) not only beyond Friendswood and Texas, but beyond America and out into the world. One PLN, a few hashtags {also known as the pound sign and the number sign}, endless growth possibilities. The world is at our fingertips.
Can you feel the spark? Want to know more?
the power of the hashtag.
And if you're online next Saturday morning at 8 am {CST}, do drop in!
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