Reach Higher

Today my heart is happy because our true-colors hallway banners
are now installed, just in time for our Open House tomorrow night.
I feel like a kid in a candy store who has been waiting impatiently
 to savor her favorite treat.

And every counselor! {Click for image source}

Here's what our character cam caught,
something we kind of anticipated happening ... 

Wait, does HE feel like a kid in a candy store, too?
at least until the newness wears off!

{Don't you love that he's reaching higher?}

We ordered two sets, one for each main hallway, of these

super colorful, 


flame-retardant (and fire-marshall friendly),

 vinyl banners from ProSign Design.

They are such an easy company to work with 
and we are so pleased with the product 
and grateful for their courteous customer service.

What's got you reaching higher today?

1 comment

  1. I am so excited to see our banners at your school and the enthusiasm that comes once they are on display! Bales Intermediate School and Barbara Gruener you are the BEST!!!! Hope your Open House is a total success!
    Judy Jones/Prosign Design/Raleigh, NC


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