It's About Time

Today I'm thinking about time and how it's non-refundable.

I couldn't fall asleep last night because these thoughts are
a constant tick-tock, tick-tock in my head and on my heart.

It's mostly because I've lost three moms in the last five months,
but it's also having lost two (former) students to illness this month,
and then hearing last night's news of the chopper/airplane collision.

I'm reminded every time someone dies that life is so fragile.

And it's not like I forget that when things are rocking along.

But there's just something so jarring when death comes knocking and someone runs out of time. It can't help but leave me wonder who's next? When will my time be up? And will I be ready?

Twenty-five years ago, I heard Michael Josephson advise that we imagine what we want people to say at our funerals, then do just that by living life backward. It's really an interesting reflection question:

What do I want people to say at my funeral?

It's never too soon to think about these things.
Sarah died at age 20; Hunter at 55.
My brother left us at 53 and
John's brother at 57.

Death does not discriminate.

So how much time do we actually have?

God only knows.

A stronger question: What are we doing with the time we do have?

So here's my "more of" plan moving forward.

Express gratitude.
Give the compliment.
Bake the cookies.
Eat the cookies!
Live life generously.
Practice empathy.
Show compassion.
Spread kindness.
Send that text.
Make the call.
Write the note.
Take the chance.
Get moving.
Stay healthy.
Own my YES.
Show humility.
Affirm people.
Lavish grace.
Love mercy.
Choose joy.
Be a light.


There's never been a better time
to reflect about time than now.

For time is non-refundable, so I urge you,
dear reader, to use it purposefully,
to be a light and to love well.


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