Tickled Pink About My New Car

You may remember that one of my firsties wrote me a get-well card in which he told me not to worry about the wreck because he was going to ask his mom to get me a new car. And guess what?

He meant it! 
My friend Wyatt came through on his promise. 
And, since I'll be driving again in just a few weeks, he gave it to me as soon as I got back to school.

And now, without any further ado, it's time to unveil my new car

Can you see why I'm tickled pink?

I keep it parked next to our desktop computer.

Don't I have some amazing friends?

Now, if you'll excuse me, 
I'm going to test drive this little beauty.


  1. That's very very sweet. You are loved!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Barbara,

    I am so sorry to hear that you were in an accident!! I apologize that I didn't send condolences sooner. I am just learning to use my Blogger Reader and I have't been keeping up with all of my blogging Buddies!! I love the car it's super cute!!!! Feel better soon!!! Thoughts and prayers to you!!!!

  3. I love your new set of wheels! It is soooo cool! You deserve to drive such an awesome car. You just have to love those little firsties. Have a great test drive and continue to heal! Blessings and prayers for a speedy recover.

    PS. I am sure you are rejoicing that not are not in WI today. WC -20+ tonight and tomorrow plus we just had 5-9 inches of the lovely heavy wet white stuff yesterday.

  4. That's really great!!

  5. Your post made me laugh so hard! You are the best writer ever! Still praying for a speedy recovery and a new car for you(one that you can actually fit in.)lol

  6. Ooh, I'd like a pink Barbie car, too:)
    Keep getting better!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  7. Oh, how cute!!! You are so blessed to have such great little friends:)


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