New Friends Welcome Kit

Today I'm excited because our after-school Good News Club members put together these cool Welcome Kits for our new students.

Let's take a peek inside the blue bag:

Each new student will receive a character pencil, a pencil sharpener, some stickers, a character wristband (this one is blue for trustworthiness, our friendship pillar), a welcome note from a friend in the Good News Club, a coupon for a TCBY Kid's Cup, a star for our new friend to decorate and sign that we'll hang on the LINK {Let's Include New Kids} bulletin board, and a Westwood-Bales coloring book. 

Here are two of the pages:

I've been wanting to do a coloring book for our new students since my friend Tina from Sullivan Primary in MO told me about the one they do for theirs. Check it out - my puppets and I have a page in the coloring book. 
There's also a map of our character building.

What do you do to help make your new kids feel welcomed?


  1. What a fun idea! And how cool to have your own coloring page!

  2. This is such a wonderful idea. I bet it helps put your new kids at ease. I'm wondering how to do something similar at my school.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First


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