
OK, so last night we played our last game of Boggle as a family for a while.  Kaitlyn, our college girl, took off early this morning for her freshman retreat.  Oh sure, she'll be back on Sunday night so that she can pack her things, which means that technically she's not gone for good. Yet. But that moment is just. around. the. corner.  Yikes!  John's mom took us to lunch on Tuesday; just look at how beautiful they are as they toast to UT with their flavored iced tea. We've noticed that Ruby's been sporting the color orange on every outing since we told her that Kaitlyn was accepted to Longhorn Land and would be going to Austin this fall. That's funny to me.
     What wasn't quite so funny is how I got all choked up when Kaitlyn's grandmother handed her a ruler with a list of famous Architects on the back. It wouldn't have been SO bad to watch my girl open up a random ruler, really, but it was when Ruby added, "Someday Kaitlyn's name will be on that list, too!" that I totally lost it. My heart swelled with pride, and then I felt it shattering to pieces. Oh, I was trying very hard keep it together, to be brave, strong and courageous.  For myself.  For Grandmother.  For my college kid.  But it. was. TOUGH!  It just boggles me how emotionally-challenging this whole leaving-high-school-going-to-college thing has been. I'm trying not to be a wimp.  I'm not typically this weepy and weak.  This totally feels weird and it kind of leaves me at a loss for words, which might account for why I lost at Boggle last night.  So Tuesday is her official launch. Any prayers as we navigate through our new normal will be much appreciated!


  1. What a beautiful young lady, inside and out. I have read about Kaitlyn and some of the wonderful things she has done. I love your ABCs the two of you wrote. We felt the same way when our first one left the nest but it will be ok, you and John have prepared her to fly. Thinking of you this week.

  2. Thanks, Jo - your reflections are always so encouraging! Our ABCs list is being turned into a poster by Learning Zone Express!!! I'll keep you posted.

  3. Thank you so much for the sweet comment you left me! I already read the book and adore it! :)
    Crayons and Curls


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