World Kindness Day

The World Kindness Movement has declared today to be World Kindness Day.  Their unofficial slogan for the day is Healing the World.  Doesn't that sound great? 

My friend Audrey took this picture in Singapore; they've been advertising the event for some time.  The Singapore suggestion?  Make Someone's Day. A Pinterest-inspired idea?  RACKing.  Don't know what that is?  Check out Mrs. Carroll's plan in this post at The First Grade Parade.
Me?  I'm making a Dutch Apple Pie for my family because charity begins at home.

What will you do to make someone's day in the name of World Kindness?


  1. I think it should be World Kindness everyday!! Think of the world we would live in if it was....thanks for sharing:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. Excellent point, Tara, though I don't think I could make that many pies. Thanks for weighing in; I can just FEEL the peace!!!

  3. Hi Barbara:

    What time are you serving dessert?
    : )
    I cried though Cara's entire post!
    Your site should have tissues on the side bar.

    Kindness hugs sent your way!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  4. Kim, you let me know when you'll be in TX and I'll have warm pie a la mode R.E.A.D.Y!



  5. Barbara,
    Thank you for your sweet comment. You make me happy. :)

  6. similar like world kindness day, November 26th is recognized as World Goodness Day


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