Jog For Jill

Happy Daylight Savings Time. 
Did you remember to spring forward?  

Do you know about Jill Costello? This story hits so close to home because I have a college-aged daughter and we lost John's Dad to lung cancer. Jill Costello seemed like a healthy 21-year-old, a star student at UC-Berkeley who served as the coxswain for Cal’s winning Varsity 8 Women’s Crew. One day she had a stomachache, and three days later she was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. She had never smoked and had no family history of the disease. She organized the inaugural Jog For Jill charity run before she lost her valiant fight last June.
"Your life is happening right now and this is the only moment you can control. This is the only minute that really matters. If you are constantly dwelling on something that happened in the past or feeling anxious about the future, you are missing out on YOUR LIFE. 
Do what makes you happy in this moment 
and your life will be full." – Jill Costello 
So today I'm sending cyberhugs to Jill's family and praying for continued comfort as they heal from their heartbreak. And I applaud and affirm them for the legacy that their beautiful, bubbly and brave daughter left behind.

1 comment

  1. How incredibly sad! What brave, strong young woman she was, thank you for sharing her story!


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