Lost And Found Grief Resources

Today in America, we celebrate Patriot Day and remember the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 a dozen years ago.

The character cam spotted a Social Contract that took the shape of a flag in Mrs. Quigley's class, so it posts today to honor the memory of those lives lost. 
Just imagine a world in which ...

I just love the flag as a symbol of not only freedom, but hope.
I also think of a rainbow as hopeful ... God's promise.

This one led me to school yesterday morning.

Last week I referenced a Professor Child product that I hope you've considered adding to your resources; click {here} if you missed it.

So it got me to thinking about my Grief/Loss library. Every year it seems there are enough children for a Lost and Found small group counseling class because someone has lost a loved one and is journeying down that rocky road of recovery. I see students individually, too, when they're struggling through grief and loss for a myriad of reasons, from a cross-country move to the death of a treasured pet to the passing of a grandparent or guardian. Here's a partial bibliography of my go-to titles addressing this sensitive subject; click the book image for more information and integration ideas.

Like a little chapter book with tips.

Ways to keep the memory of the pet alive.

This one comes with a Christian point of reference.

Perfect for when an ailing pet passes away.

This one touches on Jewish burial traditions.

Less of a storybook and more of a guidebook.

Order this kit free at the Sesame Street website.

This one is definitely for older students and adults!

What are your most helpful resources for walking alongside someone
 who is lost and looking for his/her found?


  1. I have all of those and they are very good. Some others that I use: Marge Heegaard's walking through grief series ( when someone is ill, someone has died); Cynthia Rylant's Dog and Cat Heaven (good for pet loss); Mr. Rogers talks about death; Fall of Freddie Leaf by Leo Busgalia; Goodbye Mousie by Robbie Harris.

  2. A fellow counselor also shared these with me: The Scar, Grandma Has Gone To Heaven, and The Next Place

  3. Great post Barbara!! Always great to add more grief resources!! Thanks for the post!! Take care!!


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