In My Dreams

This week, we are baking and packing up homemade goodness to send to our troops as a Thanksgiving treat. From Texas with love. 
My job was sweet and smelled yummy yesterday!

Ginger Snaps.
Sugar Cookies.
Rice Crispy Treats.
Peanut Butter Cookies.
Snickerdoodle Cookies.
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.
White Chunk Macadamia Nut.
Blackberry White Chocolate Bars.
16 boxes.
One more day.

That means I get to do it again today.
Honor our heroes.
We've partnered with the Friendswood Rotary
to get at least 33 boxes shipped. After that,
families Adopt-A-Box to defray the
fifteen dollars that each box costs.

In my dreams, I never thought we'd still have soldiers overseas.
We are grateful for them and will never forget. And in my dreams, I never thought I'd work with such a generous school family and community. Sixteen boxes equals approximately 160 dozen, give or take a few, and we're not done yet. Our boxes are headed to Germany, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and who knows where else. All with our thanks and prayers for a safe return.

This year in my nighttime dreams, I'm fighting to stay alive, just like they. Since my head-on collision, I've been almost killed many times (in my dreams) and it's frightening. Over and over again. But then I think about their reality and I know that I can manage my night terrors that undoubtedly pale in comparison to what our heroes are living every day. 
For me. For us.

And never in my dreams did I think that I'd actually send off a signed contract to a publisher who wants to help me get a character book on the market. It was actually something I'd thought about, but I'd never let it be a dream. Because I was afraid. To fail, I suppose. Anyway, in October I got this email from a cyberspace friend quite out of the blue, with the single word Promise in the subject line:

Can you promise me one day when you consolidate all of your amazing posts into your future best-selling book that I can get a signed copy? Your posts belong on a bookshelf as well as your blog, especially in libraries everywhere. Dream big, God has incredible plans for you. Love you sweet friend, Tamara 

Keep in mind that I've never met this sweet friend in person, but she's certainly got the gift of encouragement, doesn't she? I was understandably on Cloud 9 from her affirmations and confidence in me, yet still not sure that there'd ever be a book.

But she planted a seed and today, just a month and a half later, I'm excited to share that I'm writing a book. 
There, I said it.

My book.  
It's like a dream.
Only it's coming true.
Doesn't seem real, really.
More details as they unfold.
Pinch me.
Am I dreaming?

I'm so grateful that you're in this dream with me.


  1. I hope I'M not dreaming because I want a signed copy of your book, too! Congratulations! I can't wait to hear more about it! And here's hoping you have sweet dreams from here on daughter claims to have "only the good dreams" when we wish each other at night to "sleep with the angels". So sleep with the angels, Barbara!

  2. Wow! What a lot of good dreaming! Cookies! Can't get much better than that! Unless it's book contracts. I don't know about contracts. I think I have a contract with the Mom Person to stay out of the trash. But I do know books. And I'm sure whatever you write is going to be uplifting and inspirational! Yay for all your hard, heartfelt work!

  3. Can't wait to get my copy!!! I'm sure it will be a best seller because all of us who "follow" you will want one, and we will have to share it with others! You are a dream come true!


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