Super Schools Celebrated

Today I'm grateful to be guest posting at the Character Educator. I've enjoyed wonderful partnership over with my friends at the Josephson Institute of Ethics, home of the Character Counts! Six Pillar framework, these past thirteen years. 

Click {here} to go there and read all about our time at the Character Education Partnership National Forum celebrating the 2013 National Schools of Character! The deadline for this year's application is December 2nd; why not consider applying for this distinction? Please contact me if that's a process I could help you through or consult with you on.

This morning I'm on my way to the Post Office with an additional 24 boxes of cookies for the troops. That makes 40 in all ... 400 dozen cookies. I can't wait. When I was in the Post Office on Monday, a customer overheard me scheduling our appointment. He said, "Hey, you're the soldier boxes lady! I've helped you before." I thanked him and then the man behind the counter said, "How does 9:30 work?" So for fun, I turned to the man in the line and asked, "How does 9:30 on Thursday work?" Sure enough, he put us on his calendar and is meeting us there in the morning to help carry boxes in. He told me that he'd be bringing the Chief. Yay. Chief of Police Weiners helped last year and it seems he'll be showing up again.
 Gives new meaning to It Takes A Village ...

I also wanted to give you an updated look at our 
Tree of Thanks-Giving!

At the time of the year when leaves are typically falling off of the trees, it's glorious to find a tree where leaves are growing. These particular leaves bear words and drawings that represent appreciations, gratitude, and blessings.

Don't you just love Thanksgiving time?

Want to experience more thankfulness?
Watch this TED Gratitude video {here}.
Then teach your students to show appreciation with
help from Laura Candler's post {here}.

1 comment

  1. You always have such great posts!! I love your giving tree bulletin board. We are doing a similar oe here at my school.


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