A New Word For A New Year

Tonight I'm joining Denise over at Sunny Days in Second Grade
to share our One Little Word (OLW) for 2014. 

Click this graphic to head there next and link up.

For my OLW, I've picked JOY.

You see, I tended to take joy for granted 
until I lost it for a bit this past year.
And, let's be honest;
it's pretty easy to fall prey to gloom and doom.

To prevent that from ever happening again,
I'm going to focus on joy, to keep it out in front.
On purpose.
Every day.
To always remember that it's portable ... 
and to take it with me wherever I go.
And share it whenever I get a chance.
As much as I can.
Joy is like that ... 
it's something that you can give away
and still keep!

Click the graphic for sources on my EnJOY Pinterest page.

Since we only get this one life to love,
I'm determined to live mine as a joy maker.

May you feel great joy as you journey through 2014.


  1. You're definitely the most joyous blogger I know :))
    Love your enJOY board!
    Happy New Year, Barbara!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  2. Barbara, Don't you love this one word idea? Here's something really funny (great minds think alike)...JOY was my one word last year. Like you I felt I had lived a previous year without so much joy and so I intentionally put joy front and center. It worked! I had a really joyous 2013. Here's my new word for 2014.... adventure. Love your posts as always:)

  3. Hello my JOYFUL friend!
    I haven't chosen a word yet... It may be JOY too!
    (Or would that make me Joy2?)
    (Or Joy squared?)
    Sending more joyful thoughts your way for a wonderful New Year!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  4. Joy is a great word! Have a Joyous New Year!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  5. Hi Barbara! Thanks so much for linking up. I think Joy is a fantastic olw. Here's to a joyful '14!
    Sunny Days In Second Grade

  6. Love this post Barbara! I am going to focus on the joy in my life in 2014. Thank you!

  7. Look at Kim being funny with the exponents!!! Joy squared!

    I'm hoping that 2014 is a more JOYful one for you, but know that all of your readers receive tons of joy each time you send a warm fuzzy post out in this world!

    I haven't chosen my word for the year although I'm leaning toward organization. Maybe I should tack hope onto that since it is my hope to become more organized in all areas of my life! :)

    Looking forward to 2014! Joyously!


  8. Joy is very important. I will tell you this, when you comment on my blog, you bring me joy. You must have picked the right word. Happy new year!


  9. Joy has been my word for all my life. My Life Word - JOY! And I find lots of Joy in your posts always. Thanks for spreading it around! May you find plenty wherever you look in 2014!


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