The Christmas Miracle

Though I'm usually on the lookout for new books to introduce and review, I secretly get equally excited when I come across what appears to be an oldie but a goodie that I haven't ever heard of or seen. Enter The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey, written by Susan Wojciechowski and gorgeously illustrated by P.J. Lynch.

People refer to that old woodcutter as Mr. Gloomy because of his gruff disposition brought on by loss, grief, and despair, but when a widow and her boy show up at his doorstep with a request that he make them a new nativity scene, a miracle happens and Christmas magic gradually transforms Jonathan Toomey.

If you want to hear this book read by the beautiful and talented author Kathleen T. Pelley, click {here} to sign up for her newsletter and enjoy a Christmas blessing mesmerized by her enchanting European accent and wonderfully warm way with words.

There's just nothing like a well-crafted story of 
loss and love, healing and hope.
Talk about the essence of the Christmas miracle ...

1 comment

  1. I have this one - I got it a few years ago. It's an absolute favourite of mine and it brings a tear to my eye every single time I read it - which is many, many times. As soon as I got it, I knew I had to share it right away, so I read it to the grade 1/2 class at my school the same day, then brought it home and read it to my Elizabeth. Definitely a Christmas staple around here.


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