Samantha's Santa Song

Today I'm excited because we have early release and will launch our little angels into the winter break. I'm so ready for some rest and restoration! Activities this week included Polar Express Day, Pajama Day, a Choir Concert, a Band Concert, and Party Day. Exhausted but energized! 

Yesterday at one of the parties, my little Landon said, "Mrs. Gruener, your face is so pretty that it belongs on a Christmas card." Could a compliment get any better?

I'm also excited because the Corner was featured in this Top Ten Counseling Blogs list. What an honor to be among such great company. Thank you, Matt, for your kind words about my passion and work!

And yesterday I was invited to keynote the 2014 National Forum for the Character Education Partnership. Am I dreaming? But the dream doesn't come without a few butterflies because this is huge
A huge platform, 
a huge chance to make an impact, 
a huge opportunity to positively influence a lot of people.

So with those big announcements comes the chance to share Captain Courage and the World's Most Shocking Secret by Stacey A. Marshall.

As the curtain opens, the Principal at Blythe Elementary, Mr. Magico (aka Captain Courage), is having a nightmarish time on the stage at the school's talent show. As he awakes to realize it's only a dream, the reader gets a glimpse into the one thing that secretly scares him the most: performing in front of people.

In an interesting twist, this fearful main character is a leader at school who spends his time helping scaring away his students' fears. He even wears special fear-stomping shoes. Will his young friend Courageous Katie be able to successfully help him pull off a performance in his talent show debut?

At the book's end, the reader is treated to the author's formula for fighting fears (using the acronym BELLS) as well as some tips from Captain Courage, a booster shot for your confidence. 

Finally, I am excited about this clip of a solo performance by a Westwood alum who is now a senior in high school. We were treated to this song when our Hometown Heroes from the Friendswood High School Choir came to bring their choral Christmas greeting to us on Wednesday. I first got to know this songster when she was in second grade and having some normal eight-year-old anxiety and stress. You'd never know it now when you watch her perform with unbelievable confidence and poise. It is with pride and admiration that I share 
Samantha's Santa Song with you.

Bravery is a beautiful thing.
Whom will you encourage today?


  1. Congratulations on both achievements! I'm sure you will inspire many people! :)


  2. Congratulations! I wish I could be in the audience!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First


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