A Reason To Dance

Love Kid President . . .

. . . and his priceless advice 
to newcomers to our world.

I see so many teachable-moment possibilities with this.
Couple it with a lesson Mrs. Trayers shared yesterday {here}.
Whom will you positively influence today?
What advice do you have for them?
And how will you make today great?

Now, about that dance . . .


  1. I could see using this for new students on their first day

  2. Oh my kids just LOVE him! My other favorite is the one where people wrote in their suggestions for things we should say more often-he cracks himself up so many times! We are practicing for a presentation and they were all so monotone-I said "is that the way the Kid President would say it". Thank you for sharing my blog with your readers! :)

  3. LOVE that Kid President!!!! He makes me feel like dancing! Oh, I always feel like dancing.


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