The Best

Today I'm excited because my friend was just awarded Montana's School Counselor of the Year. You may remember her from several guests posts she's written, most notably the ever-popular Empathy in a (Shoe) BoxHer name is Tanya Kirschman and I feel blessed by her friendship even though we've yet to meet in person.

When I was injured in a car collision last year, she sent a sweet note and some treats to cheer me. At holiday-time, she sent a JOY statuette. And last week, she sent me a book, 
just because.

And it's not just because she sends me stuff.
Over the years I've received notes of affirmation, just because.
She prays for me and her emails are always Day Makers.
Along with the book came a note, that she thought I'd like this book, 
and if I already have a copy, to please share it with my intern.
Isn't that the best?

It's a vibrant book with an important message:
We don't have to be the best, just be our best.
The best that we can be.
Dog stays busy bragging about being the best,
but my students were quick to notice that
he wasn't comparing apples to apples, so to speak.
When the tables are turned and his friends point out the
skills that they're better at, Dog realizes the error 
of his ways and apologizes. But is Dog done boasting for good?

Lots of food for thought in this little nugget;
I think you'll agree it's a delightful treasure.

Please join me in congratulating Tanya
on this outstanding achievement. What a thrill it was
for me to be contacted by a friend of hers and be in on 
the surprise nomination by writing a letter on behalf of my compassionate and caring counseling colleague.

Tanya, I'm so proud of you.
Keep up the heart work!

1 comment

  1. I carry this one in my book bag to read with kids. It's a favorite!!


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