Songs For Saturday

Look at the love that came in yesterday's mail
from my friends at Charlotte Anderson Elementary.

Who wouldn't love to open up a box with this sweet note
and a new book to read! I can't wait to get on the Energy Bus!

With this morning's autumn weather, I finally found enough energy to go for a walk, but I also found my iPod needed a charge. So I dug through a few drawers and found this little gem and I'm delighted to say that ... it still works! Oh, the sound quality isn't nearly what we've become accustomed to with our more techno-savvy devices, but those songs that I recorded onto this cassette tape 25 years ago still play just fine. Who else still has one of these?

Which brings me to the point of today's post. Music.
This past week as we resumed our district Character Task Force meetings, I sent out in the reminder email a request to come armed with a song that speaks to you about who we are and where we're going on this journey called life. The group was kind of split by whether I meant for them personally or for us collectively, which was actually really cool because we got a really fun variety of song titles. Here are a few of our picks:

Love Shine A Light by Katrina and the Waves
Turn, Turn, Turn by the Byrds
Overcomer by Mandisa
Guantanamera adapted from the poem by José Martí
Such positively uplifting lyrics.
The right song can be a game changer.
It can light up even the darkest of days.
And it can inspire greatness. 
Just try to be gloomy with The Smiley Face Song.

So as you go about your business this next week or two,
why not intentionally pick and focus on a theme song.
Listen to it every day and let the words and the message
inspire and influence your day.

Now I'm off for an outdoor date with my Walkman.
Thank you, Sony, for that durable device that has
withstood the test of time and continues to bring
music to my ears.


  1. I most always have a song in my head. Sometimes it's on automatic and don't even realize a song's been playing there for a while.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. I recently found my Walkman too (mine was black)--and it still worked also! Thanks for the Smiley Face Song. I am trying to figure out how to incorporate it into my curriculum on Monday...
    Sending smiley faces your way!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade


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