A Kindness Cocktail

Today I'm excited because there are a lot of Random Acts of Christmas Kindness going on at school. Last week, Mrs. Collins' class delivered hand-made thank-you cards, two students from Mrs. Quigley's class brought me a cupcake, and two kiddos from Mrs. Janish's class brought me a Sonic drink. And I wasn't their only RACK recipient. I noticed that they were making posters to put at the trash cans to thank their garbage collectors, decorating thank-you cards for the cafeteria staff, and leaving sweet treats for the nighttime custodial staff, leaving no doubt that what we appreciate appreciates! It's the most wonderful time . . . 

Isn't this a beautiful picture? The graphic was designed by Jill, co-founder of Kids for Peace, after we heard the Superintendent of San Diego Unified School District speak at the Character Matters Conference this past June. I loved meeting Jill on that trip; she's passionate, generous, and kind. If you haven't signed up for the KFP Great Kindness Challenge yet, what are you waiting for? When you register your school, you'll be able to download the page of 50 RAK suggestions to give kindness legs. Thank you, Jill, for being a Climate Changer.

Do you know about this Kindness Feedback Loop?
Check out this giving-fact graphic from our friends at Happify:

Consider the kindness cocktail, the helper's high ... 
and imagine a world in which we were hooked on helping.

Are you looking for a year-end donation opportunity? Our friends at 
Happy Heart Kid activity kits, which include games, crafts and workbooks centered around particular character traits (like empathy and manners) are hoping you'll check out their Kickstarter Page. And while you're there, please support their cause as you can. I think you'll be glad you did.

1 comment

  1. Your kids are doing such great acts of kindness around the school and having a ball! It doesn't take much to ignite their creative ideas! Thanks for introducing me to Jill and Kids for Peace. Will check out her site.


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