Who Decorates Your Tree?

I went in to greet the students today and take care of a few small details before coming home for a much-needed day off. I'm hoping to get in to see my chiropractor because the kink in my neck from that head-on collision two years ago is causing me a lot of discomfort lately. Before I left, I snapped this picture. 

At first I couldn't understand why we had a half-decorated tree in our school entrance. It seemed like someone just got pulled away right in the middle of a project ... and never came back to it ... so I asked about it. Turns out, it wasn't finished, on purpose, intentionally left under construction, as an invitation to our guests to help us complete our tree. I kind of thought an invitation might help make that clear, so I added the sunshine-yellow sign with these words: You are invited to help us decorate our tree. What a nice metaphor for life, I thought.

then, I
Who helps 
complete your tree? 
Who are your lights? 
Who are your ornaments? 
Who is your string of beads?
Who is the angel or the star on top?
What do they do to make you whole?  
How do you let them know what you need? 
And how will they know 
when their job is done?

Why not tell them why they're a gift to you.
Click image to download.

And as I was reflecting, I found this video clip {here}.
Grab some tissues and watch how this courageous woman
completed the ten-year circle of a fragmented journey that, 
coincidentally, involved a car collision like mine, only worse.
I just love how gratitude has helped make her whole.

How positively inspirational is that?
Hosting a thank-you party,
for the people who've helped complete you.
This story has put a light on my tree.
What a wonderful gift.


  1. You are so right!!!! The tissues were needed. I. Love. This. Story! Thank you for searching for it! Can I share it and your link on Facebook? It's certainly worth sharing. I also love the idea of letting visitors help decorate the tree. What a novel idea.
    Much love from Michigan!
    P.s. I hope you get your neck straightened out..... Pain is a pain!

    1. Thank you, Patty. Yes, share away! Love back atcha ... can't wait to see you again in 2015!

  2. I am treasuring the tree analogy and thinking of special people who adorn my life. I wonder if I'm not always a little bit "under construction". Thanks for your clever idea! :)

    1. I was thinking the same thing, that our tree is often only half decorated ... thank you for stopping by the corner and for your kind reflections. Smiles from the south!

  3. Wow! You find the most incredible stories! Or they find you. I think you are a kindness, gratitude magnet. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. I think you're on to something, Rhythm, that these stories find me. It's the Law of Attraction; what we appreciate, appreciates. Thank you, as always, for stopping by and giving me a BIG smile!


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