Living Our True Colors

Happy Sunday.
Today I'm reflecting on the 2016-2017 school year
as we get ready to send not only our seniors off to college 
but also our fifth graders off to junior high.
Check out their parting gift to our school:

What a treat it was to watch them 
collaborate and cooperate
to bring this True Colors masterpiece to life.

We're so proud of the Class of 2024 and so thankful to artist Diane Fifer and art teacher Nancy Schilhab for helping us revive a tradition that left the building with the sixth graders, who were relocated to junior high seven years ago. It was such a delight to watch each of these rising sixth graders paint their square and leave their mark on our walls. {I even got to paint a piece of the green mane on the respect horse.}

This teamwork project was the perfect complement to our True Colors theme that our Character Committee has worked diligently to integrate and infuse into our everyday habits and routines this year. Our staff now has colorful pillar Ts that we wear each Wednesday to align with the district's core values spotlight.

Every month we recognize students who serve as Ambassador for the values because they put them into motion by walking the talk.

It's super fun to unite as a school family at our end-of-the-month Character Pep Rallies and celebrate character. To showcase responsibility, for example, our students worked together to create a rain storm that would parallel collective responsibility and the magic we can create when we all do our part. 

Hometown Heroes from our HS drum line along with Mighty, our mascot, helped lead our Respect Assembly. After they fired up the crowd, we discussed the Golden Rule pillar using these icons to represent the many facets of respect.

Can you guess how each of them fits?

We're coloring the world with character,
one day at a time,
one idea at a time,
one child at a time
until living our 
True Colors 
becomes who we are,
how we behave, and
how we treat others, 
all the time,
even when nobody's looking.


  1. What a beautiful way to end the school year!

  2. What a lovely tradition for the graduating students. Put a smile on my face!


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