PPBF: Buckets, Dippers, and Lids

Today I'm excited because it's dewberry season; John and I have been picking these tasty treasures, a mindfulness outing that I've decided to refer to as couple's therapy. The berries are so plump, juicy and sweet this year. YummY. And what fun it has been to share the pies and coffee cakes that we've made.

I'm also super grateful because my friend Carol McCloud sent me a copy of her new book about filling a bucket of the invisible kind.

Title: Buckets, Dippers, and Lids
Author: Carol McCloud
Illustrator: Glenn Zimmer
Publisher: Bucket Fillers, Inc.
Birthday: April 30, 2018
Suitable for ages: 7 and up
Themes: happiness, kindness, conflict resolution
Brief synopsis: The bucket-filling concept goes deeper with a three-part secret to a happier life, including how to handle conflict (life's dippers) and how to effectively use your bucket's invisible lid.
Opening page: Did you know that everyone in the whole world has an invisible bucket, an invisible dipper, and an invisible lid?

Resources: More information from the publisher {here}.
Check out some of the beautiful illustrations {here}.
Listen to Red Grammer's I've Got A Lid {here}.
Mine some ideas for using the Bucket Filling concept {here}.
Read how we started our Bucket Filling journey {here}.

Why I like this book: I've been a big fan of the timeless concept of Bucket Filling since Carol penned her first book twelve years ago. This newcomer to the Bucket-Fillosophy family brings an important dimension to the idea of filling and dipping by addressing the invisible lid to help with what to do with the ouches in life. It aims to teach its readers how to bounce back when one of life's dippers threatens to steal from their bucket's emotional reserve.

Check out this new tool for your Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) arsenal; I think you'll find it'll make the intangible concepts of kindness, resilience and grit something that our learners can hold on to and apply as they learn to sail the somewhat stormy seas of life.

Then, for fun, go berry picking and surprise someone by sharing.
It's guaranteed to overflow their berry-loving bucket.

For today's other PPBF titles, visit Susana Hill's blog {here}.


  1. Very cleverly written. Love the theme of this story and it's yummy illustrations. ;)

  2. I appreciate books like this one that empower young people to overcome challenges. I have never heard of the bucket filling idea, but I am going to check this idea and title out. Thanks.

  3. This will be a useful book! Thanks for featuring it.

  4. I love the bucket filling books! Have reviewed several and this one has the same focus on kindness. Such and upbeat story. Will have to get a copy of this one.


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