What Should Danny Do?

Happy Friday; today I'm excited because we get to celebrate
Jacob's 25th birthday as a family this weekend.
It doesn't seem possible that a quarter of a century has gone by
since this boy came into our lives during a thunderstorm.

We are so proud of the young adult he is becoming.
This is the first year in twenty years that Jacob
isn't headed back to school now that he has his
MS and is gainfully employed at Samsung.
Ch-ch-ch-change is always in the air.

What helps you when you're stepping out of your comfort zone
and making those important growth decisions?

Today's picture book pick finds Danny in so many
uncomfortable spots; the most valuable lesson he gets
is that he always has the P2C (Power To Choose!).
Every. Single. Time.

Along with its Power To Choose companion book, What Should Danny Do? School Day, this powerhouse is a hard hitter.

If your students love it half as much as I do,
it'll quickly become their favorite read-aloud
while it targets responsible decision-making,

It's so much fun because when Danny has a decision to make,
the authors chose to let the reader decide.

When he wants a different plate at breakfast, for example,
we turn to one page if we think he ought to
kick, pout, and scream to get his way;
if we think he ought to just eat off of the plate his caregiver gave him, we turn to another page to experience the outcome that way.


Watch the book trailer {here}.
Read a review from Books That Heal {here}.
Visit Danny's website {here}.
Use the creative enrichment ideas on Pinterest {here}.

For your older learners, compare and contrast it with Judge Judy's classic Win Or Lose By How You Choose. Better yet, encourage them to write an interactive book that presents dilemmas and allows its reader to choose.

Check out this book; it's a great choice for your SEL shelves.


  1. I have this book and a few of my students have really enjoyed the process of going back to "change the story" - after the first reading - to make better choices. Of course they are always curious to go back and find out the consequences of poor choices, too!

  2. P.S. Happy birthday, Jacob! :)


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