We're All In This Together

Today I'm pondering the thought that no matter who you are or where in the world you are, you are likely staying home to stay healthy just like the rest of us and I'm finding a sort of comfort in knowing that we are all in this together. 

My friend Mary Clare shared this shot of a mural in Wauwatosa, WI.

Earlier this week, my sister sent this togetherness truth 
from the book Perceptions by Terry Harter.

Never alone. I like that message.

Then this morning, my empathy hero, Dr. Michele Borba, sat down with me for a Zoom chat convo about this safe-at-home time of uncertainty and loss. 

Thank you, Michele, for your passion and commitment to helping us raise a generation of healthy, value-able crusaders for good.

Want a few more engagingly creative projects on FB and YouTube?

Watch rockstar teacher Diana Sorbo singing Help! 
USAF Heritage Band of America Singing Don't Give Up On Me 
High School Girls in IN show off their PROM dresses 
Play Catch with the Ripon College Softball Team 
Jump Rope with the Sixth Graders at FJH 
Keep the Whole World Singing by the Harmony Kings 
FHS alum Scott Mulvahill sings Bring a Little Joy 

Keep on singing and dancing while distancing
and don't forget that We're All In This Together.

Happy weekend.

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