Today I'm cooking on these three words: Because. Of. You.
It all started during my reflections on my years in school, amplified with my walk through Knit Club memories, then exploded as I listened to Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue in a Laurie Santos interview on this podcast episode yesterday. So much goodness in that brief but deep conversation about attention and connection. This research about attention bids by the Gottman Institute really intrigued me and captured my attention, because who wouldn't want an easy, proven way to improve their relationships?
All of that to say, thinking about this kept me up last night,
deep in thought about our every-day modeling opportunities
to care and connect, to influence, inspire and impact.
So now, with caregivers on my heart and mind,
my attention and appreciation in a poem
written just for someone like you.
Because of you ...
someone is
someone feels
someone is kind
someone has hope
someone feels safe
someone has healed
someone appreciates
someone can self-regulate
someone wants to do better
someone showed compassion
someone smiled at someone else
someone graduated from school
someone feels like they matter
someone helped a stranger
someone is less lonely
someone dreams big
someone is equipped
someone is more confident
someone is crushing self-care
someone has a hobby to decompress
someone feels loved unconditionally
someone recovered from a mistake
someone loves wholeheartedly
someone practices gratitude
someone feels more joyful
someone reached a goal
someone shows grace
someone righted a wrong
someone tried a new recipe
someone lives more generously
someone chose courage over fear
someone listens with their whole body
someone is more interconnected
someone practices empathy
someone is empowered
someone is a peacemaker
someone slept better last night
someone leads with a servant heart
someone has renewed faith in humanity
someone is feeding their spiritual side
someone knows how to apologize
someone is ready to forgive
someone knows how to read
someone is more gentle
someone is inspired
someone wrote a letter
someone made a phone call
someone feels more curious
someone will exercise today
someone lives more mindfully
someone hugs a little tighter
someone knows they belong
someone is a good friend
someone shows more grit
someone trusts again
someone will endure
someone is thankful
someone is better
someone is love
someone feels
someone is
Because of you ...
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