Our Book (And Blog) Birthday

It's June 1, and you know what that means?
It's our picture book's birthday!

You're invited to our launch on Facebook and YouTube this evening; you can find the recording at this link if you can't make it live. We hope to see you there. The book is now available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Bulk orders can be made with EduMatch Publishing. Here's a press release if you have want more information.

It feels like forever ago when we signed that contract
last July, on the 35-year anniversary of the passing
of Don Pittman, our storybook's Mr. Quigley.
Gone too soon, but not forgotten.
I love that he was a Veteran.

Speaking of anniversaries, today marks 30 years since
John and I said "I do" to one another and to our God.

This morning, we went back to the chapel where we
got married, to say a prayer and take a picture.

So many blessings in those three decades of life together.

We are also celebrating a decade of blogging here at the Corner on Character. Almost 2000 posts and nearly 4 million views. What a gift, to be able to share character-development resources with passionate people like you. Thank you for growing and reflecting with me. 💚

Today, just a few links to launch you into summertime:

My recent guest post called Buckets Full of Happiness And Love

Television shows that can bolster mental health for our teens

A poignant post about starting to heal this summer.

Happy June, dear reader; here's to another decade of
hope, health, and joyful connections at the Corner.

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