Our Key Collaboration

Today I'm grateful to share that our picture book
is set to be available in Spanish later this spring.

Such a blissful feeling to partner with my daughter, Kaitlyn, on this passion project, to make my dream to extend our book's reach a reality. Not only did she lend her design expertise, but she also helped to ease my anxiety about writing a book in my second language. I'm also grateful to Eugenia, a friend of EduMatch, for her proofing skills on this stunning translation.

This week, I was blessed to be able to do my first in-person author visit; so grateful to my Salem Lutheran School family for these creative keys that each of the classes decorated and signed for me.

After our time together, each reader got an antique key to remind them 
that they are a KEY part of their school family.

My soul started singing when their character cam caught 
this KEY friend wearing his touchstone to school the next day.

Since the following day was Wellness Wednesday at my school,
I decided to talk about two key things: self-love and affirmations.

This discussion with my 8th graders was so important; at the risk of boasting, they were a bit reluctant to say out loud what it is that they appreciate about themselves, what do they bring to our school family, what makes them shine. 

Their keys made such a beautiful door display.

Kindness can unlock doors; why not color the world with it? 💜

There were so many keys that we also now have a wall of fame!

Need more SEL integration ideas? Check out my guest posts
at the Teacher2Teacher website {here} and {here}.

Happy Valentine's Day, dear reader; what makes YOU a KEY to your school family? Here's a template in case you want to write that down.


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