What They've Taught Me

So I was recently on jury duty, for FOUR long days, so my
student teacher sent me this picture of my lovely learners!

It made me smile, and gave me pause: How have I been SO blessed? 
I came home and started working on this gratitude ode.

When you get to spend so many seasons with young people, incredible things happen. Here are just a few of the important lessons I’ve learned from almost four decades as an educator growing alongside my superhero students of every age and stage in the schoolhouse.
The ABCs That They've Taught Me
Acceptance. Apology.
Belonging. Bravery.
Connection. Curiosity.
Determination. Drive.
Emotions. Empathy.
Forgiveness. Fairness.
Gratitude. Grace.
Helpfulness. Hope.
Inspiration. Integrity.
Joviality. Joyfulness.
Kindness. Kinship.
Loyalty. Listening.
Mindset. Mindfulness.
Nurturing. Nourishment.
Optimism. Opportunity.
Patience. Playfulness.
Quietude. Quality.
Respect. Responsibility.
Strength. Silliness.
Trustworthiness. Togetherness.
Understanding. Unconditional love.
Vulnerability. Voice.
Work ethic. Wisdom.
eXuberance. eXcellence.
Yearning. Yielding.
Zest and Zeal.
Since my first year teaching in 1984, my learners and their families
have been an unbelievable source of connection, joy and love;

I feel blessed beyond measure and deeply grateful for these transformational gifts.

What have been your greatest gifts from the young people in your life?

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