Satisfaction In September

Lately I've been thinking a lot about what brings me satisfaction.

So I decided to look up a definition online:

An act of satisfying: fulfillment, gratification.the state of being satisfied; contentment. Synonyms: enjoyment, comfort, pleasure

It's super hard to explain, but it has become a lifeline to me.

Here are some things that have brought me satisfaction and contentment.

Helping my Dad write a letter of recommendation.
Visiting my mother-in-law in rehab and hospice.
Delivering Meals on Wheels with my friend Dawn.
Helping our son and daughter-in-law move.
Pulling weeds out of the grass in our yard.
Purging things from my closets that I'm not using.
Creating in my kitchen and sharing the goodness.
Sending (and receiving!) thank-you cards.
Listening to music that soothes my soul.
Keeping the aphids from sucking the life out of my milkweed.

Most of these are simple practices that charge my emotional battery.

Sweeping the floor is satisfying.
Taking a power nap? Satisfying.
Enjoying a walk through nature is satisfying.
Texting a baby picture to a friend? Satisfying.
Sharing an idea or promising practice is satisfying.
Reaching out to check on a family member? Satisfying.
Going to a matinee showing of Inside Out 2 is satisfying.
Volunteering with MADD and at the shelter? Satisfying.
Inviting someone for a coffee chat or early dinner? Satisfying.
Planning and preparing for a parenting workshop? Satisfying.

All of them no-or-low-cost activities.

I've never paid attention the feeling of satisfaction
 in my life as much as I have lately and I'm loving it.

I recently scripted and submitted a post for publication at my publisher's website; SO satisfying to write about Four Key Practice For Creating A Climate of Caring and share my reflections with their readers.

Oh, and blogging my thoughts and feelings? Super satisfying.

How would YOU complete the prompt: Satisfaction is ... 

 Happy September, dear reader.

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