As we spring into March Madness 2025,
I'm basking in a wellspring of wellness resources.
Last week, I flew to WI, where my counseling colleague Trish Howard and I had the beautiful opportunity to pour into passionate character educators in our breakout session: WellBEing From The Inside Out.
We began with an improv playing characters from the Inside Out 2 movie. I greeted at the door as Joy while Trish roamed the room playing Anxiety, then I came back as Anger while she took on the role of Envy.
What fun it was to engage our participants in that way.
or from taking a deep dive into what's on your plate?
After that interactive session, I drove to my childhood home in Wayside,and watching Dad busily crafting frames in this workshop
made my heart so happy as he continues to walk with grief.
We took long walks and I savored every second.
We had the pleasure of gifting this signed Cobb jersey
from Mipps' closet to our Aunt Sandy, a huge Packers fan.
I even snuck away to a Memory Care facility to thank
the woman who was my 4-H leader and helped me
learn all about horses when I was a teenager.
I was in 9th grade when I rode my mare, Scooter,
to her home ten miles down the road to breed her.
I got this little adorable little foal, because of Mrs. Roofers.
I cried as I thanked her for being a lifeline to a younger me.
from moments in time or from precious memories.
It might even be from a grateful heart on a brisk
walk in the sunshine with siblings by your side.
So, dear reader, my shadow selfie wants to know:
How will you seize your wellspring of resources
to put your own oxygen mask on first and
shower yourself with self-care this spring?
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