Core Value #1 - Building guest relationships one meal at a time.
Core Value #2 - Fostering honesty and respect amongst our associates.
Core Value #3 - Reinvesting in our associates and local community.
Core Value #4 - Developing a relationship of trust with our vendors.
Core Value #5 - Never being satisfied.
Curious about these Core Values when I saw them for the first time, I asked the associate who waited on our table to explain the campaign. She said that they're learning the values and that you can find them on posters around the building as well as on the Ts. While she didn't have them all memorized - yet - she seemed pretty excited about them and we got great service. I couldn't help but wonder what difference, if any, her wearing that t-shirt would make if a customer had a comment or a complaint. Maybe that T might even spark a compliment.
Gringo's five Core Values closely parallel the pillars of character that we espouse at our school; there's trustworthiness, respect, responsibility (complete with a shout out for their stakeholders!) and citizenship. I was pretty excited to see values in action out in the real world, because that means that our students will be the kind of associates that Gringo's will one day be happy to hire.
What does your work place stand for and how do people know?
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