Walk The Talk

Kaitlyn made this book for my birthday as she was finishing up the fifth grade and it's still one of my favorites

Here I am being friendly to the kids at my school.
The picture strip slides through the window as the pages flip to tell a story about, well, me. 

When I saw that Kaitlyn wrote 
Character Counts With My Mom!!
I knew that she expected me to not only talk the talk but to walk the talk. 
No pressure . . . 

Here I am, fussing because they're not listening.
It's been twelve years since my first Character Development Seminar and I'm excited to share that I've been invited to join the Character Counts! National Faculty so I'm headed to CC! headquarters to get more training. Such an honor to spread the good word and keep the passion for 
character education alive.

So I flew west to LA last night . . . 

and this is why I always choose a window seat!

God's canvas . . . 

What's got you on fire this week?


  1. Congratulations! I am sure you will be a valuable asset. Our fire is a fundraiser for a school in New York hit by hurricane Sandy. We are raising money and bringing in supplies that are sorrily needed. We are going to have some great pen pals while we model generosity, empathy, and caring to our students. We may even skype or face time with them.

  2. That's great news Barbara! Those are beautiful pictures.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. Do you know where the template for the comic strip came from? :)

    1. There's not really a template ... the teacher took white file folders and cut them into 3" strips. Then the boxes are each about 3.5" long. She glued little strips of card stock on both ends to aid in pulling the strip through. Does this make sense?

    2. Cut the file folder while opened lengthwise to get the long strip.

    3. Oh, and so then the boxes were blank, and Kaitlyn drew the comic strip from scratch. Hope this helps.


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