H Is For Honesty

And H is for HEROES!

Superheroes. Everyday heroes.

Kid President's message to be extraordinary resonates with me
and answers my question: What's Under Your Cape? 
Thank you, Jo, for posting it to our FB page.

Visit Soul Pancake for this and more Kid President clips.

Today I'm delighted because one of those extraordinary people, 
Kim from Joy in Sixth
is reviewing Chapter 6 in our book study. 

Kim is a 30-year veteran teacher who has become one of my closest colleagues despite the fact that distance separates us geographically. Go to her JOYful blog to see how she'll use the information in Chapter 6 to help her sixth-grade superheroes soar. Honestly! Tell her I said hello when you leave your kind comments. 

One of my favorite posters about honesty tells it like it is:

Want to be trusted? Tell the truth. 

Like these, it's a virtue that must be a non-negotiable.

Click {here} for source.

My two favorite object lessons for this concept have to be 

My two favorite picture books that reinforce 
the importance of being honest are 
and The Empty Pot by Demi. Kim discusses them both in her post. 

This chapter is so important because it's the basis for friendships. If we are going to form trusting relationships, then honesty truly has to be more than just a policy. It has to be a way of life. Honest people don't cheat, lie, gossip or steal. They are loyal and keep their promises. They tell the truth, even when it might cost more than they'd like to pay. They own up to what they've done, and they work to make it right. Simply put, honest people make trustworthy friends. We can count on them because dependable and reliable. And that's what makes them super.

Here's an activity I posted a few years back at my school site:

I've listed quite of few friends-that-fit titles in Chapter 6;
what are some of your friendship faves? 

1 comment

  1. I love that Kid President! He speaks truth! Thanks for sharing all the good links. I'm enjoying the tour!


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