The Creator's High

It's Teacher Appreciation Week 2021
and what a year it has been for us!

Today I'm super excited because I've created this small care package box for a school staff family whose admin team I've connected with and absolutely adore. It includes sensory rings and bath salts. I'm going to make a special delivery in just a little bit; I wish I could give one of these to all teachers, just a tiny token of my appreciation for going all in and being sold out for kids, no matter what.

If that's you, thank you, dear educator.

And I was putting it together last night, the natural high from creating was invigorating. I described it in a podcast recently as harmony in my heart, but I'm not sure that even does that feeling justice.

I just love getting an idea and then
carrying it out to completion.


I actually discuss creating in these two podcast episodes;
click the image to tune in today. 

So grateful to Holly, Julie & Sarah for this chance
to share my story and plant some seeds!

Whether it's creating kindness in the kitchen, 
like this a fresh dewberry pie made to share  ... 

or the picture book we've been working on,

there's just something so satisfying about creating.

And for me, it's not just creating for the sake of creating, it tends to be more about how I can create to serve others, to bless and appreciate them, to let them know that they are valued and loved. To let them know I'm thinking about them. To let them know that they're not alone.

It's so important, especially now, to know that we're not alone,
to know that who we are and what we do matters.
To know that we are appreciated.
That someone's creating ...
for us.

What's really happening in your brain when you create?

Here's a post about creating Art that explains it well.

Nicole J. Phillips also spelled it out well
in her masterpiece The Negativity Remedy.

That's where that natural high comes from,
from using creativity to uplift and support,
to encourage and thank.
To show empathy.
To mobilize compassion.
To be kind.

When's the last time you felt the creator's high?

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